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         Podiatry Plus Premier Podiatric Insurance Programs

Medical Malpractice Insurance Quote

We would like to provide you with a free, no-obligation medical malpractice insurance quote. Please provide as much information possible for the most accurate quote. This information will be kept confidential and will be used for quote purposes only.

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Privacy Statement: Any information provided by a consumer or customer via our online forms WILL be held in the strictest confidence. No information will be shared with others. All submissions will be responded to within two business days.

General Information
City:   State:   Zip:
Day Phone:   Night Phone:
Best Time To Call:   AM   PM
Email Address:

Current Policy Information
Expiration Date:   Retroactive Date:
Type: Claims Made   Occurrence
$1 Million/$3 Million
Other: $
Annual Premium: $

Practice Profile
Date Practice Started:
Are you practicing as a: Owner   Employee   Independent Contractor
# of Podiatrists in your practice:
Independent Contractors:
Type of Practice:: Solo   Partnership   Corporation
# of hours worked per week:
Are you Board Certified?: Yes   No
Professional Organizations
to which you belong:

Risk Management Practices
Risk management course completed within the past 1 year?: Yes   No
If Yes, Date Completed:
Use of written informed consent for surgical procedures?: Yes   No

Patient Profile
What percentage of your practice involved diabetic patients?:
0-15%     16-30%     31-50%     51-70%     71-100%

Procedure Mix
In a calendar year, how many procedures do you perform that require General Anesthesia?:
Please indicate who administers general anesthesia including IV sedation: I do
MD/DO Anesthesiologist
Nurse Anesthetist/CRNA
What percentage of all your procedures requires Local Anesthesia?: %

Loss Information
Please list any claims that were settled with payment to plaintiffs, or indicate "None":          None 
 Year:  Details:  Claim Amount:

Additional Comments
Please give any additional comments you feel appropriate for this quotation. If you have
additional information where there was not enough space, please enter them here.

Please click on the "Submit Quote" button to send your quote request.
One of our representatives will respond to your submission as soon as possible.

Podiatry Plus Premier Podiatric Insurance Programs
United Agencies Insurance Group
Podiatry Plus Premier Podiatric Insurance Programs
One of the Midwest's largest privately owned insurance brokers, United Agencies has been writing Podiatric Malpractice Insurance for almost 20 years!
Podiatry Plus Premier Podiatric Insurance Programs
Phone:  888-800-7239     |     Fax:  877-472-3007     |     Email:
Podiatry Plus Premier Podiatric Insurance Programs
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