
Phone: 512.343.9058

Thank you for visiting TSLA, a non-profit, trade association of excess and surplus lines brokerage and underwriting professionals. If you would like more information about our association and membership benefits, please contact us at your convenience:


Great Hills Corporate Center
9020-I Capital of TX Hwy N., Suite 370
Austin, TX 78759


Info Request Form

TSLA Application for Affiliate Membership
Online Registration
Applicable questions must be answered. The information developed by this questionnaire is required by the association's bylaws and is kept in confidence. Submission of this application does not constitute automatic acceptance of membership.
To Complete This Application:
- All questions must be answered completely.
- All information contained in this application will be held in strict confidence.
- Please remember to include a sponsorship letter from a TSLA Voting member. List of Voting members may be found on our website at www.tsla.org.
- Please include a $50 non-refundable application fee with your application. The association will bill you for the membership dues when application is accepted. Dues are prorated.
- Annual dues for Affiliate Membership are $1100.
- Failure to disclose material facts or misrepresentation contained in this application shall cause reason for automatic rejection or expulsion from TSLA.
This Online Application is on a Secure
Server. Click on the seal on the left
for more information on the
certificate's authentication.
Please complete the sections below: